這篇的資料來源是Renault 的官方網站~
How old are you?
( 一點都看不出來是32歲喔~ )(笑)
Do you have a nickname?
In F1? Fisico.
Who calls you most?
My partner Luna.
( 嘖嘖...還不是老婆啊XD )
Who sees you the most?
My family plus the mechanics and engineers!
( 真好...害我好想去當車隊的工作人員...)
Do you have an idol?
In racing, Ayrton Senna.
( 這是大家的偶像吧XDD)
Which celebrity would you like to meet?
I have met lots of them already in my job, so there is not one in particular.
( 撲...這是說自己就是名人是吧XD)
What quality do you appreciate most in a man?
And in a woman?
( 我以為他要說最好是御姐XDDDD )
Which other person would you want to be like?
Like me is just fine!
( 這傢伙...果然是臭屁王XD)
How do you dress?
Trendy, and casual.
( 怎麼穿怎麼帥啊)(心)
Do you like to eat?
A lot! And I eat everything.
( 哈哈哈...身材還可以這麼好...)(笑)
What's your favourite sport ?
Football. I love AS Roma.
( 這人是羅馬控!!! )
Are you a lazy person?
I used to be, but not now.
Do you like sleeping late?
No, I get up quite early.
( 果然是好小孩 )(笑)
Do you have nightmares?
It happens, but not often.
What nightmares do you have?
For me, the nightmare is to no longer be driving in F1.
( 這不僅是你的...也是我的惡夢啊XDD )
What's your favourite season?
Summer because I have a boat, and I like spending time on it.
What is the best place in the world to live?
( 嚴重羅馬控....Orz 羅馬市長可以頒一個榮譽市民狀給你了XD )
Your biggest quality?
I am usually quite a quiet person, I have good self control.
And your biggest fault?
Sometimes I am too quiet
( 以上兩個問題連在一起看...真的是非常好笑XD ) (我不相信FISICO 是自閉的人XDD)
Who is your favourite actor?
Roberto Benigni.
( 國貨愛用者XD )
What's your favourite color?
Blue, yellow and white. They are on my helmet, and the Renault colours as well!
( 我覺得他的安全帽還頗漂亮的^^ )
What is your idea of happiness
When I win.
( 很貼切XDDD ) ( 高興的時候...要記得丟帽子喔XDDD )
And your motto?
Do it!
像是宮本君的 -- Seize the Day
還有之前 Schumi 在媒體問到他對於今年的困難有什麼看法時,
Spirit is the last thing to die out.