Belgian Grand Prix is off 


  According to reports breaking this morning in the Belgian press, the

Belgian Grand Prix will not take place this year.
  The former minister of

economy, Serge Kubla is reported as saying he has received confirmation

the race is off from Bernie Ecclestone's people.

The negotiations between Ecclestone and the group of Walloon organizers

are still going on. Top of the demand list is improving and extending

the paddock area. According to Kubla, there is not enough time to build

a new paddock ahead of this summer's race and that is the main reason

the Grand Prix will not be held.

Kubla thinks the government reacted too late. "They left the it until

the last moment. They made things worse and started negotiations for a

new contract, while that was not the main problem."

Kubla also said the government should start working now, to make sure

the Belgian Grand Prix is back on the calendar in 2007




白髮老怪說,因為 Spa 站來不及整修看台區和改善,所以Spa站再度地從賽季名單中跟大家說掰掰了...

(以前也是因為歐盟的禁菸條例搞得 Spa 站不能比....現在又是這種鳥問題.....Orz)

搞什麼啊~  ┴┴ ︵╰(‵□′)╯︵ ┴┴ 

F1 都快不 F1 了....

沒有 Spa 這麼經典的賽道,也沒有變態的天氣和恐怖的Eau Rouge 彎道,

而且這裡還是大舒哥哥和 FISCO 最擅長的賽道之一啊......>"<

我真的,昨天只是隨口說說 Spa 有問題,沒想到隔天就發現 Spa 就這樣消失在06年的名單上....(無力)


還有一個也是讓人頭很大的 Monza 賽道,因為居民抗議實在太吵了,要賽車加裝滅音器才能跑XDDD





(Monza 這種 Tifosi 大本營如果消失的話,難保 FIA 的總部大門不會被憤怒的鄉民們攻破XDD)

這樣看起來,如果真的不幸.....(嗶)  的話,那就把 FUJI 賽道直接拉進賽道名單裡算了XD



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